Catherine A. Miller exists to ensure relevant learning for all to be successful in a multi-cultural society.

At Catherine A. Miller Elementary School we are proud to house 12 expert Core teachers, 1 Heritage Language Teachers, Physical Education and Fine Arts teachers along with 8 responsible support staff. Students who need additional support while attending Catherine A. Miller Elementary School will have the support of our two highly trained Special Educators. In addition to our teaching staff we have a wonderful Counselor who is able to support students in many facets of life. Catherine A. Miller Elementary School is proud to have an exemplar Dean of Students who’s strength is core instruction. 

Catherine A. Miller also boasts an astonishing support staff who care for the wellbeing of all students. We have an amazing front office staff who work daily to ensure students are accounted for and their needs are taken care of in a timely manner. Additionally, we have an outstanding Health Aide who is very knowledge and understanding when supporting our students who need minor medical support when they are not busy eating delicious breakfast/lunch from our exquisite cafeteria staff. Last but NOT least, we have three dedicated custodians who maintain a safe, clean and keep our school operational.  

Catherine A. Miller has a strong foundational reading program for our Kindergarten to Second grade students that focus is making our students proficient readers. Catherine A. Miller is also proud to have layer two intervention built into the daily schedule via Layer 2 block. During Layer 2 instruction, all available instructional staff are supporting students in a small group setting who need similar interventions. The key component of creating strong Layer 2 groups is the collection of student academic data. One of Catherine A. Miller’s instructional staff strengths are their ability to mine the data, analyze the data and to implement the data in a unique and targeted approach for student success.  

Thank you,
Khristopher Latson